I know someone who simply refuses to get a smartphone. She insists that she doesn’t need such a device and is deaf to the argument that she is missing out on some very beneficial technology, not to mention the fact that many of our everyday transactions, such as banking and GPs’ services, are migrating fast…
Big brother, dinosaurs and tech in housingRead More →
Contributed Articles
First portfolio-wide IoT roll-out with Stirling Council & Aico
Following Stirling Council’s original IoT trial with Aico (see the September 2022 edition of Housing Technology), the council has now embarked on the UK’s first full roll-out of a multi-technology and multi-sensor connected-home solution across its entire housing portfolio. 50,000 IoT devices will be installed over the next 8-10 years in homes managed by Stirling…
First portfolio-wide IoT roll-out with Stirling Council & AicoRead More →
Office 365 for fire-safety compliance
An example of how to do it… This article provides an overview of Microsoft Office 365 and describes how Microsoft Apps and SharePoint can support the golden thread of information required by the Fire Safety bill, notably fire-risk assessments, fire-door management and fire-safety logbooks. We will also look at the requirements of the draft ‘Fire…
Office 365 for fire-safety complianceRead More →
Improving tenants’ experience with Microsoft Customer Voice
In England, over 20 new tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) will be used by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) from April 2023 to gather data on how satisfied tenants are with the performance of their housing providers. The TSMs will address five primary topics, including maintenance, building safety, effective complaint handling, tenant interactions and neighbourhood…
Improving tenants’ experience with Microsoft Customer VoiceRead More →
IntoZetta’s final ‘Data in Housing’ survey results
Earlier this year, IntoZetta contacted its software and services customers and organisations from the broader social housing sector, asking them to complete a survey regarding the use of data within housing providers. The first sets of results were published in the previous three editions of Housing Technology. This final instalment looks at data ownership and…
IntoZetta’s final ‘Data in Housing’ survey resultsRead More →
If you build it, will they come?
You may consider the most challenging part of implementing and managing a resident portal is securing the initial funds to implement it in the first place. In reality, funding is only half the battle. Once in place, there will be a huge amount of attention on the platform as pressure grows to justify its expense…
If you build it, will they come?Read More →