As of November 2021, Barnet Homes has over 3,000 properties connected to the Aico-HomeLink IoT platform, accounting for 20 per cent of its total housing stock. The technology has demonstrably saved people’s lives and generated net savings. Following a smooth roll-out, Barnet Homes has confirmed it will complete a full roll-out of 15,000 homes by…
Barnet Homes & Aico: IoT & industry 4.0 complianceRead More →
Contributed Articles
NEC Housing transforms Reading’s repairs
Following Reading Borough Council’s implementation of NEC Housing to improve its end-to-end repairs processes by keeping everything in one place, the council’s project manager, Johnnie Stanley, explains why this ‘all in one’ approach matters. What’s different about repairs management in NEC Housing? Stanley said, “Reading’s current solution only extends so far. We’ve a separate repairs…
NEC Housing transforms Reading’s repairsRead More →
Walk before you can run: An agile approach to self-service portals
As a father of three children, I often find myself suggesting (or shouting), “walk before you can run”, usually to prevent accidents! This saying is also relatable to software development and IT projects; I believe some housing providers make the mistake of trying to run before they can walk when it comes to customer portals…
Walk before you can run: An agile approach to self-service portalsRead More →
Transforming Trivallis with Dynamics 365
Following our move away from an old, no-longer-fit-for-purpose housing management system to a fully-integrated Microsoft Dynamics 365 system, we thought it might be helpful to others thinking of following a similar path to describe our journey and highlight some key learnings along the way. I wouldn’t start from here if I were you… Back in…
Transforming Trivallis with Dynamics 365Read More →
Focus on people, not processes
Trevor Hampton, director of housing solutions at NEC Software Solutions UK, explains why putting the emphasis back on people rather than processes will drive tenant engagement and build trust. The human connection “The biggest single problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” – George Bernard Shaw’s quote is more applicable than…
Focus on people, not processesRead More →
The devil’s in the data…
From ensuring regulatory compliance to understanding tenants better, the need for accurate, well-controlled data has never been more critical. Yet many housing providers still rely heavily on off-system working, spreadsheets and manual interventions, downloading data from one system, combining it with data from other sources and then uploading it again to another for, say, performance…
The devil’s in the data…Read More →