For a while, MIS Active Management Systems, like many other suppliers, have seen the housing management system as the core to everything that they do. However, there is a potential hidden truth in the way we work and operate in housing. So, what is the path to the future? Simply put, the path is made…
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Contributed Articles
Cyber-risk management & AI-enabled domestic life
This article is based on work from the CHAI project, which explores how individuals living in social housing can recognise and protect themselves against the potential cyber-security risks of AI-enabled smart technologies in their homes. Project CHAI is a three-year, EPSRC-funded project involving five UK universities in collaboration with Housing Technology. Enriching our daily lives…
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An aerial view – Drone technology in housing
The first quarter of 2021 saw unprecedented growth in construction, with housing representing 80 per cent of all new builds in the UK following lockdown. However, the restrictions of the pandemic have meant that many organisations are now lacking enough time and money to address the consequent maintenance and repairs that this upturn implies for…
An aerial view – Drone technology in housingRead More →
Securing IT – Cyber security in housing
Cyber-attacks are a major threat for any business and housing providers aren’t immune. The pandemic has forced almost all housing providers to rely more heavily on digital services to carry out their operations, but this has also enhanced their vulnerability. Email-phishing attacks alone saw a seven-fold surge during the pandemic, demonstrating the growing danger of…
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IoT for safe & sustainable housing
In order to tackle climate change, net-zero targets have been introduced around the globe across local, national and international scales. Reaching net zero is likely to be the most important and pressing challenge our society will face during our lifetimes. Our homes contributed more than 20 per cent of the UK’s total carbon dioxide emissions…
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IoT & access control in housing
Social housing developments are often home to the most vulnerable people, from the elderly who need 24/7 homecare support to those living with disabilities or impairments. In short, IoT makes their homes safer. There are many examples of IoT applications, from devices to detect leaks before they become a problem to smoke detectors being able…
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