Nick Rutter, chief product officer at FireAngel, explores how housing providers can use the internet of things (IoT) to identify those most at risk of a fire in our communities and intervene to prevent future incidents. In the past year, purpose-built properties had around 7,000 fires reported, according to government figures. However, it’s estimated that…
Pinpointing high-risk residents with IoTRead More →
Contributed Articles
Hybrid working – Striking a happy medium
Workplaces are going through a revolution after 40 per cent of the workforce has been working from home during the pandemic. Employees now want to ‘hybrid work’ because they’ve experienced the benefits of working at home and in the office, and they want the best of both worlds. Companies need to accept and embrace this…
Hybrid working – Striking a happy mediumRead More →
Technology supply-chain risk
Talk to your current suppliers Before onboarding a new technology supplier, it’s worth discussing the matter with your current suppliers to see if they can offer the solution(s) you need. Your existing suppliers will have already passed all of your internal checks, plus you can gain internal references from your colleagues on the quality of…
Technology supply-chain riskRead More →
Bringing complaints into the 21st century
“We heard from some residents that making a complaint can be difficult and take too long, and that it can sometimes take months for the complaint to be resolved or for the resident to be able to access the Housing Ombudsman.” The charter for social housing residents’ whitepaper, released in 2020, highlighted the need to…
Bringing complaints into the 21st centuryRead More →
Supporting your remote workforce
Many businesses are already using the cloud in some way, with 61 per cent moving their workloads into the cloud in 2020. However, many are yet to carry out their full cloud migration. For some, the migration was accelerated by the pandemic. The WFH order saw many businesses rushing to implement cloud solutions to allow…
Supporting your remote workforceRead More →
Building safety & tenant engagement
Civica’s client relationship manager, Alex Oldman, shares his thoughts on what housing providers can do to prepare residents for action and to improve safety. After the tragic events of Grenfell Tower in 2017, the release of the Hackitt report and the introduction of the Fire Safety Act 2020, building safety managers have been challenged to…
Building safety & tenant engagementRead More →