How do we set about enthusing older people and those with additional care needs about the benefits of technology in their homes? Great engagement between housing and care staff and their client helps, while a pandemic also has the potential to create a disruptive environment to spur housing providers to try some different approaches to…
Stay home and stay safe for longer with TECHRead More →
Contributed Articles
Democratising information and knowledge
The internet of things is going to begin providing huge amounts of data about our assets and customers, but how do we prevent data fatigue and turn this torrent of data into actionable business outcomes? What do you mean by ‘democratising information and knowledge’? In my experience, access to data has traditionally been in the…
Democratising information and knowledgeRead More →
How to train your chatbot
Done well, chatbots enable better customer self-service and improve customer satisfaction. However, a good implementation requires some knowledge of how chatbots work, and you need to get a few things right if you want to get the best out of your new virtual employee. Natural language understanding Even though there are infinite ways your customers…
How to train your chatbotRead More →
Building pathways on data for better homes
Whichever way you look at it, decarbonising the UK’s housing stock is a gargantuan task. To meet the government’s ‘clean growth strategy’ goals to move all housing stock to EPC ‘grade C’ by 2035 will require homes to be upgraded at a rate of one every two. That would be difficult enough if you were…
Building pathways on data for better homesRead More →
Social value – Lip service or lasting legacies?
In September’s incredible new-look edition of Housing Technology, social value cropped up several times. We read about ‘greening your IT procurement’ from Anthony Collins Solicitors which included a reminder that social value also needs consideration in our sector’s procurement processes. We read how Civica will be planting trees and helping with park restoration following winning…
Social value – Lip service or lasting legacies?Read More →
“Hi, I’m Neela”
“Hello – pleased to meet you. I’m Neela. How can I help you?” Aareon’s new AI-based virtual assistant, known as Neela, is set to adopt an increasingly independent role in helping to communicate with tenants. Currently still in the pilot phase, we expect that Neela will gradually transform tenant support in future. Neela’s skills If…
“Hi, I’m Neela”Read More →