With rainfall patterns changing and sea levels rising, the possible effects of climate change are now an important consideration in any long-term planning. For housing providers, having access to data insights that provide a clear picture of the potential risks associated with flooding is essential to proactively protecting property assets and communities from the threat…
Flood risk – Are you data-ready?Read More →
Contributed Articles
Greening your IT procurement
Can you do it and do you want to? Environmental issues don’t usually feature in a housing provider’s top considerations when procuring IT. This may be a missed opportunity as well as potentially overlooking compliance with legal requirements. Policy objectives and the Social Value Act Housing providers, including registered providers, local authorities and ALMOs, are…
Greening your IT procurementRead More →
Are business analysts under-appreciated?
With its ever-increasing reliance on technology to automate mundane processes and free up people to do the things that technology can’t do, the housing sector faces a big challenge in terms of keeping up with the pace of change and ensuring that what it delivers adds value. As a practising business analyst in the housing…
Are business analysts under-appreciated?Read More →
A fresh perspective on IoT in housing
Why isn’t the internet of things mainstream yet? For years, it has felt as if the internet of things would revolutionise social housing. So many articles, case studies and great new use-cases have been published, yet years go by with the promise of mainstream adoption being ‘just around the corner’. Housing providers have been running…
A fresh perspective on IoT in housingRead More →
The ‘D’ word
Today’s data operating environment As Housing Technology’s focus in September is on the green agenda within IT, it’s worth thinking about the impact of poor data management on your organisation’s carbon footprint. For example, your servers will generally be operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That’s probably well over double the operational…
The ‘D’ wordRead More →
Residual land values & winning more bids
In economic terms, land is worth what someone will pay for it. As land is a limited resource, the person who can pay the most for a piece of land will win when competing against others. The process by which the land price is arrived at is a key difference between housing associations and private…
Residual land values & winning more bidsRead More →