First thing’s first – I don’t think anyone could have done anything to prevent the level of disruption we are currently facing. No amount of preparation could give adequate protection from a ‘once in a hundred years’ event. No amount of planning, stocking or preparing was going to cut it. Saying “we’re not prepared” applies…
The power of SaaS in uncertain timesRead More →
Contributed Articles
Rapid IT deployment at One Manchester
Across One Manchester, different teams have been coming together to ensure that we can continue to provide key services to our customers and to support our colleagues through any challenges. Our contact centre is now working from home and is fully operational, and in less than three days we completed a proof of concept for…
Rapid IT deployment at One ManchesterRead More →
Re-imagining digital
By the time you read this, will we be back at work and heading towards normal? At the moment, none of us knows, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be more proactive and anticipate more disruption and consider how technology can help. An economic shock will follow; experts are arguing whether it is a V-…
Re-imagining digitalRead More →
Standardised IT integration for M&A success
Political and economic uncertainty has contributed to the UK social housing sector undergoing significant consolidation during recent years. A large number of mergers and acquisitions have taken place in an attempt to save costs and create efficiencies. A great deal has already been written about the role that IT plays in housing M&As. The main…
Standardised IT integration for M&A successRead More →
Community + Collaboration > Crisis
Back in early March, it took a team of Microsoft developers just 48 hours to create the Microsoft Crisis Communications app. This was (and still is) a completely free app, bringing together elements of Power Apps, Power Automate, Microsoft Teams and SharePoint, to allow businesses and their employees to rapidly and effectively communicate as the…
Community + Collaboration > CrisisRead More →
Cyber security beyond Covid-19: 206 days & counting…
Depending on which reports you read, the average time it takes to detect an intruder in your network after a compromise is 206 days… Getting a sense of the overall threat landscape is rarely straightforward. The nature of cyber crime is dynamic; tactics and techniques fall in and out of vogue as criminals choose the…
Cyber security beyond Covid-19: 206 days & counting…Read More →