Millions now join me as a home-based worker during the lockdown. But could I have imagined providing board and shelter to another family at a time when housing providers have suspended new moves? In mid-March, I reconnected with a friend who had been made homeless after fleeing an abusive partner. She had then received an…
Remote working – A project manager’s storyRead More →
Contributed Articles
XMReality & DtL’s excellent AR adventure
I recently took a trip to the Silicon Valley of Sweden, a city called Linkoping, which is about two hours south of Stockholm. The reason for this Nordic excursion came about when I spotted a post from a company specialising in augmented reality (AR). Now, if you hear the term AR, you may immediately jump…
XMReality & DtL’s excellent AR adventureRead More →
Power Platform – More than just numbers
An obvious starting point What happens when you have 30-something reports across multiple departments, all predicated on differing interpretations of the same performance measure? Aside from the obvious problems, such as misrepresentations, lack of clarity, a reduced impact on decision making and a whole mess-of-work for a BI team, you get an obvious starting point…
Power Platform – More than just numbersRead More →
Are your spreadsheets beyond repair?
Why does the housing sector continue to expose itself to unnecessary risk and inefficiencies by using spreadsheets to manage planned work? While there is widespread adoption of new technologies to support housing maintenance and repairs, it’s staggering to see that Excel is still being used to manage and monitor complex planned, cyclical and programmed works….
Are your spreadsheets beyond repair?Read More →
AI in housing – Five questions to ask first
Despite the theoretical power of artificial intelligence to transform the customer experience, many AI projects fail at the first hurdle. Henry Jinman from EBI.AI outlines the five most common mistakes and how to avoid them. While AI promises a new dawn of efficiency, performing tasks better, faster, with fewer people, at lower cost and on…
AI in housing – Five questions to ask firstRead More →
A code of ethics for chatbots
More and more of the housing providers and local authorities I talk to have recognised that their customers want self-service capability and that a chatbot is the best way to provide it. From providing automated customer service for rent queries to raising a repair, chatbots offer an opportunity to serve customers on multiple digital channels…
A code of ethics for chatbotsRead More →