IT budgets are no doubt tight, and getting tighter despite the budget increases promised before the UK economy took a dive. However, this also means that the IT suppliers are now more flexible about their commercial terms. As you will see from our housing management systems article on page xx and from recent news stories,…
Editor’s Notes: Don’t stop until you get enoughRead More →
Editor's Notes
Editor’s Notes: Threat or opportunity?
What does the present economic situation mean to your organisation? Based on the experiences of the past two recessions, companies tend to adopt one of two strategies. The first strategy is to ‘batten down the hatches’, reduce operational costs, postpone capital projects, scale back recruitment and so on, and try to weather the economic storm,…
Editor’s Notes: Threat or opportunity?Read More →
Editor’s Notes: Measuring your performance
As the saying goes, ‘it ain’t what you do, but the way that you do it’. This is particularly pertinent to Decent Homes projects and Audit Commission inspections. We are confident that programme and performance management software and systems will enjoy a period of substantial growth over the next 6-12 months as housing associations and…
Editor’s Notes: Measuring your performanceRead More →
Editor’s Notes: Spreadsheets – just say no
The most common obstacle to housing associations and RSLs achieving efficient in-house processes and delivering joined-up services to their tenants and residents is the plethora of different systems used across the various parts of their organisations. Many of the projects we cover in Housing Technology are being carried out to either address this problem directly…
Editor’s Notes: Spreadsheets – just say noRead More →
Editor’s Notes: Green computing
There is much talk about ‘green’ computing and the importance of recognising how housing associations’ technology infrastructures affect their energy consumption and carbon footprint, including two articles in this edition. That’s all very well, but local needs should come first. This means that green computing initiatives should only be implemented once tenants receive the services…
Editor’s Notes: Green computingRead More →
Editor’s Notes: Who’s next?
Fresh from being acquired by a US private equity company, Northgate is itself aiming to buy Anite’s public sector business, while the recent Capita/IBS deal was covered in the last edition of Housing Technology. Consolidation among technology suppliers to the social housing sector is likely to continue, but who’s next? Our view is that the…
Editor’s Notes: Who’s next?Read More →