After a hiatus of a couple of years, Housing Technology’s ‘E-State of Housing 2022/23’ market intelligence report is back, with the aim of giving all social housing providers wide-ranging insights into their peers’ business and technology plans over the next 2-5 years. Across all sizes of housing providers, our forthcoming report will cover: • Future…
The E-State of Housing 2022/23Read More →
Editor's Notes
Ready for the internet of housing?
When we published the UK social housing sector’s first report on the internet of things (IoT) in 2017, IoT was still in its infancy in our sector. In our 2017 survey, the majority of housing providers reported to us that IoT was unimportant to their future plans, had no IoT strategies and that the technology…
Ready for the internet of housing?Read More →
IoT deployment in housing
As we put the finishing touches to Housing Technology’s ‘IoT Deployment in Housing 2022’ report, produced in association with Aico and due to be published in April, we thought it would be interesting to provide a snapshot of just some of the primary research captured in the report: • Timescale & readiness – A third…
IoT deployment in housingRead More →
Procurement fallacies
IT and business procurements should be fairly empirical exercises, free as far as possible from subjective and personal judgements. However, given our innate human fallibilities, that’s rarely the case. Given the importance of IT procurement to housing providers’ operations, we thought it would be enlightening to consider some of the most common procurement fallacies. •…
Procurement fallaciesRead More →
Untangling risk management
Risk management should be part of all housing providers’ ongoing business operations; after all, taking risks and mitigating those risks is part and parcel of everyone’s daily lives. However, in the context of risk management, it’s worth being a little more specific about what we mean, first to avoid confusion, and second as a way…
Untangling risk managementRead More →
Getting practical with the internet of housing
The business case for the adoption of an ‘internet of housing’ strategy by housing providers is now well-proven after numerous trials (see our archive at, predicated on the installation of IoT devices in tenants’ homes and communal areas coupled to back-office analytics and reporting software. The next stage in the widespread adoption of IoT…
Getting practical with the internet of housingRead More →