From the Housing Technology 2017 conference and executive forum at the beginning of March, it’s become abundantly clear that digital transformation is the number one, over-arching priority for most housing providers. And for those housing providers not considering digital transformation, they should probably be asking themselves why they aren’t. As we’ve covered in previous Editor’s…
Who’s afraid of digital transformationRead More →
Editor's Notes
Transformation and integration
As we move into the tenth year of Housing Technology, it is interesting to note that while in the past if housing providers had a particular problem to solve, they would deploy a specific line-of-business application to address that problem. Skip forward almost a decade, and we’re now seeing a plethora of housing providers taking…
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Delivering IoT at scale?
In the November 2015 issue of Housing Technology’s Editor’s Notes, we commented on how housing providers should be ideally placed to roll out IoT projects at scale because they are, almost without exception, the only organisations in the country with direct access to large networks of properties under their control (unlike utility companies and their…
Delivering IoT at scale?Read More →
Trends for 2017
This issue of Housing Technology marks the end of our ninth year of publishing the magazine. 54 issues and 2,500+ stories later (all available online), we’re taking a look at what to expect in 2017 and beyond as part of our preparations for the forthcoming Housing Technology 2017 report. Aside from ongoing developments and improvements…
Trends for 2017Read More →
Paying to stay
We’ve covered the government’s pay-to-stay programme in three separate pieces in this issue of Housing Technology, including how Canada’s version of pay-to-stay is being handled in Ottawa. In short, the pay-to-stay programme will mean higher rents for higher-earning tenants (£40,000+ in London and £31,000+ outside London) living in social housing. While the underlying reasons behind…
Paying to stayRead More →
Boardroom Perspectives
Housing providers’ IT services, and their associated IT teams, are now at the absolute centre of their operations. And at a time when many housing providers are trying to transform their business models and operational processes to become more streamlined, cost effective and better able to cope with things such as universal credit and rent…
Boardroom PerspectivesRead More →