Sir – Most businesses need to respond to the ever-increasing demands to deliver services ‘on the go’ to support customers’ busy lifestyles and their increasing reliance on and love affair with technology. Housing is having to respond to this evolution as welfare reform ups the ante around digital inclusion. At Home Group, we know we…
Reducing on customer effortRead More →
Help tenants and protect revenues
Sir – A recent poll conducted on behalf of the NHF found that 67 per cent of tenants affected by welfare reform are finding it hard to pay their rent, 55 per cent had often run out of money by the end of the week or month, 40 per cent of affected tenants had no…
Help tenants and protect revenuesRead More →
How innovation and creativity can meet housing needs
Sir – Councils are looking beyond the HRA to develop their new building programmes for two reasons. First, yes, the HRA Self-Financing settlement has allowed 170 stock-owning councils to address investment in their stock, but, that said, a large number of these councils have reached their borrowing cap. Secondly, the new HCA affordable housing programme…
How innovation and creativity can meet housing needsRead More →
Risk management and technology in social housing
Sir – Risk comes in a number of categories within the social housing sector; it could be operational, financial, legal or even political risk. For example, any housing provider owes a duty of care to its field workers to inform them of potential hazards they may come in contact with during their working day. This…
Risk management and technology in social housingRead More →
The noise of big data
Sir – All of the hype and references to big data are great as it gives us something new to talk about, but is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Sure, there is more data. Social media platforms create loads of data but so what? I’ve looked at Twitter and tried to make…
The noise of big dataRead More →
Big data, big issue
The big data revolution seems to be sweeping almost invisibly through business, academia, government, housing and everyday life. Defined as the collection, analysis, and visualisation of vast amounts of information, facilitated by clever algorithms, big data is seen by many as the biggest technology innovation since the birth of the internet. A recent survey carried…
Big data, big issueRead More →