A2Dominion has teamed up with Manifest Software Solutions and Totalmobile to transform its repairs service through the introduction of a single central system to handle its customers’ 150,000 repair requests each year, instead of being spread across multiple systems. Due to launch this summer, the new system from Manifest and Totalmobile will intelligently allocate tasks…
A2Dominion transforms repairs with Manifest Software Solutions & TotalmobileRead More →
Flagship’s three-year deal for Asprey’s AspireBI
Following its successful ‘go live’ with Asprey Assets in December 2024, Flagship Group has now added Asprey AspireBI for its strategic asset management and option appraisals. Jessica Squires, project manager for property strategy, Flagship Group, said, “Integrating AspireBI into our operations will let us make data-driven decisions so that our assets are managed strategically to…
Flagship’s three-year deal for Asprey’s AspireBIRead More →
Happy 35th birthday to Aico
Aico is celebrating 35 years of innovative home-safety alarms and sensors after being founded in 1990. Over the past 35 years, the technology behind Aico’s products has advanced significantly, with innovations such as RF connectivity, originally launched by Aico in the mid-2000s, now commonplace. More recently, the company’s IoT-based HomeLink Connected Home solution has grown…
Happy 35th birthday to AicoRead More →
Broadacres Housing extends Salesforce usage
Broadacres Housing has implemented a range of improvements to its digital transformation programme through its Salesforce technology platform with help from Globant, a Salesforce partner. The housing provider is now using Salesforce as its new CRM system, replacing its old enquiry management software, so that housing staff can access and update residents’ information at any…
Broadacres Housing extends Salesforce usageRead More →
Stirling Council cuts arrears with Mobysoft
Stirling Council has reduced its rent arrears by 22 per cent following its implementation of Mobysoft’s RentSense software. The council chose the RentSense software in response to its growing arrears and limited staff resources for income collection. RentSense’s predictive analytics and prioritisation capabilities have also been used for early interventions, alongside a reduction in the…
Stirling Council cuts arrears with MobysoftRead More →
Plus Dane tenants save with Lightning Reach
Plus Dane Housing has signed up with financial support service Lightning Reach to help its tenants reduce their bills. Lightning Reach’s online portal is intended to make it easy for people to find and apply for a wide range of personalised support, including grants, benefits and help with bills. Plus Dane’s tenants only need to…
Plus Dane tenants save with Lightning ReachRead More →