Lothian Homes has recently gone live with Kypera Housing’s Factoring module and has just completed its first quarterly invoice run to its factored clients. Kypera provided a single central database to manage the property and occupancy details of Lothian Homes’ 800 factored units. The Kypera system uses data from Lothian Homes’ existing repairs and financial…
Kypera Housing live at Lothian HomesRead More →
Orchard windfall at Open Accounts awards
Orchard Information Systems has won three awards at the Cedar Open Accounts (COA) annual business partner event, including the top award for delivering the most business within COA’s business partner community during the 2008-2009 financial year. Orchard’s finance business development manager, Mike Biddleston, took the award for COA’s best performing business partner salesperson, having secured…
Orchard windfall at Open Accounts awardsRead More →
10 years of M3Housing’s Housecall
As most housing providers know, collecting and collating repair requests can be time consuming. To that end, M3 Housing developed the first version of its Housecall repairs reporting system 10 years ago. At the time, fewer than 20 per cent of UK households had internet access and broadband was unheard of. Now over 70 per…
10 years of M3Housing’s HousecallRead More →
Launch of new Telephonetics system
Telephonetics VIP has launched ContactCentre 59R, a new customer contact system which gives tenants and customers choice about how they interact with their housing provider and other organisations. Used in conjunction with Telephonetics’ automation suite, ContactCentre 59R integrates with an organisation’s existing infrastructure to provide a round-the-clock self-service facility for routine tasks such as payments,…
Launch of new Telephonetics systemRead More →
Macfarlane’s ‘golden number’ for Tristar Homes
Tristar Homes’ new customer contact centre went live in July 2009 following its implementation of Macfarlane call centre technology and a Lagan enterprise case management system. Before Tristar’s new centre opened, services for Tristar’s 10,500 customers were provided from four separate offices in the Stockton area with around 20 telephone numbers for different services. Tristar’s…
Macfarlane’s ‘golden number’ for Tristar HomesRead More →
Grand designs for Testway
Testway Housing in Hampshire has been using computer-aided design software from ArtiCAD to allow its residents to design their own kitchens. With 6000 properties under management, Testway Housing replaces around 300 kitchens each year as part of their designated 20-year replacement cycle. Chris Scahill, contracts manager in Testway Housing’s asset management team, said, “Prior to…
Grand designs for TestwayRead More →