Capita Software Services signed a five-year contract in July 2009 to implement Capita Support at People 1st Slough, the ALMO which manages Slough Borough Council’s 7500 homes. This follows the joint decision of the ALMO and the council to replace their housing management systems with Capita Housing. Capita Support enables housing providers to carry out…
Capita supports People 1st SloughRead More →
Double win for Lagan in Ayrshire
Both North and South Ayrshire councils have adopted Lagan’s enterprise case management (ECM) system. The two councils have taken advantage of the national framework agreement developed by the Improvement Service, in partnership with Scottish local government as part of the National CRM Project, which gives them a 40 per cent discount on the price that…
Double win for Lagan in AyrshireRead More →
Vangent shared services for Haringey ALMO
Homes for Haringey, which manages Haringey Council’s stock of 21,000 properties, has become London’s first ALMO to join a shared customer service operation run by Vangent from a state-of-the-art contact centre at London Bridge. The new service is designed to improve responsiveness for residents and tenants needing emergency help during evenings, early hours and weekends….
Vangent shared services for Haringey ALMORead More →
Gateshead Housing extends £590,000 Northgate partnership
Gateshead Housing Company is implementing Northgate’s Front Office citizen relationship management system after signing a five-year, £590,000 contract with the software provider. The ALMO for Gateshead Metropolitan Council plans to use Front Office to improve services to its 21,000 tenants. By continuing its existing relationship with Northgate, Gateshead Housing expects to increase the number of…
Gateshead Housing extends £590,000 Northgate partnershipRead More →
80% paper reduction at CityWest Homes with EDM Group
EDM Group has completed a project at CityWest Homes to convert the paper tenancy files of its 12,300 tenants into a digital format. CityWest staff now have instant access to tenancy records and information, resulting in improved efficiency and better staff collaboration. The project began in October 2008 and finished in March 2009. CityWest is…
80% paper reduction at CityWest Homes with EDM GroupRead More →
Documotive and Frontier Software partnership
Frontier Software, which provides HR & payroll systems, has selected Documotive as its authorised business partner for document management. Frontier has selected Documotive to deliver fully-integrated document and records management to its suite of products. Over 50 UK housing associations use the Frontier range of HR systems. Documotive has already provided systems to several Frontier…
Documotive and Frontier Software partnershipRead More →