With support from 3C Consultants and Blacklight Software, Stonewater has transformed its data management processes as part of an enterprise-wide solution to improve how it deals with all forms of data, including an upgrade of its analogue data-handling solutions. With more than 75,000 tenants, Stonewater generates a huge volume of data and documentation relating to…
Stonewater’s data focus with 3C & Blacklight SoftwareRead More →
Blacklight Software
Technology finance and procurement in housing
Buying intentions and motivations Chris Cliffe, director of CJC Procurement, said, “Start by understanding what’s wrong with your current products and services. Too often, the procurement trigger is based on a poor relationship with the current vendor and misplaced assumptions that the product isn’t fit for purpose without actually exploring the current product roadmap or…
Technology finance and procurement in housingRead More →
Blacklight CRM at PA Housing
Many of you will be familiar with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, either as a module of a housing management system or as a separate system interfacing, or better still, integrating with your HMS. This story is how two housing providers came together and embarked on a project to procure and implement a new CRM…
Blacklight CRM at PA HousingRead More →