Liquid Voice has released details of its successful integration of Civica’s Contact Centre applications with Liquid Voice’s telephony technology to help housing providers to streamline tenant engagement, meet regulatory requirements and remove IT complexity. Over the last year, technical teams from Liquid Voice and Civica have built tight integration and a set of advanced telephony…
Liquid Voice and Civica partner for better CTIRead More →
Housing in the clouds with Civica
Civica has just launched Housing Cx, a web-based housing management system. The system has been developed to help housing providers transform customer services and improve the experience for tenants and employees through its app-style interface, accessible any time, any place from a smartphone, tablet or netbook. Housing Cx has integrated customer relationship management and communication…
Housing in the clouds with CivicaRead More →
Changing attitudes
From: Martyn Rees, Housing product director, Civica Sir – New research from the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) has found that six out of 10 companies now allow the use of employee-owned mobile devices for work. This changing attitude demonstrates quite a significant sea change among IT professionals as the BYOD debate surges forward. By…
Changing attitudesRead More →
Housing Solutions kicks off £2.5m ICT programme
As part of a £2.5 million investment in new technologies, Housing Solutions is introducing a real-time online repair reporting system from Civica and delivering more services on the doorstep by staff using iPads. Richard Harvey, ICT manager, Housing Solutions, said, “Over the next five years we will build over 1,000 homes, while the homes that…
Housing Solutions kicks off £2.5m ICT programmeRead More →
Places for People ready for UC and PCI-compliant with Civica
Places for People has reported that it has completed the introduction of a PCI-compliant payment service in advance of the introduction of universal credit. The five-month project to run a hosted version of Civica’s Icon income management system was completed in August 2012. The housing provider originally implemented an on-premise version of the Civica income…
Places for People ready for UC and PCI-compliant with CivicaRead More →
Civica & Liquid Voice partner for call recording and PCI compliance
Liquid Voice has formed a partnership with Civica to deliver highly-integrated call recording, PCI compliance and CTI solutions. Working with Civica’s Connect division, the agreement extends Liquid Voice’s capability to integrate its suite of computer telephony applications with the Civica Contact Manager software used by many housing providers and public sector organisations in the UK….
Civica & Liquid Voice partner for call recording and PCI complianceRead More →