Necessity is the mother of invention, never more so than when the government of the day presents you with budget cuts of 25 per cent or more. Accustomed to regarding their ICT systems as tiresome obligations that soak up money, housing providers need to start thinking of these systems as weapons in their survival armoury…
Securing your future through technologyRead More →
CGA’s £100,000 deal with Civica
Customer service is expected to be transformed at Community Gateway Association after it completes the implementation of an integrated electronic document management, workflow and contact management system from Civica. Improved document management, increased staff efficiency and reduced operational costs are the goals of the £100,000 implementation. The project will begin in November 2010 and is…
CGA’s £100,000 deal with CivicaRead More →
£2.5 million Civica contract at Enfield Council
Enfield Council has awarded a five-year contract to Civica to overhaul its existing council tax and benefits processes and deliver a new system as a managed service. The contract is worth £2.5 million, with the Civica OpenRevenues system expected to be implemented later this year under a single software and support agreement. The North London…
£2.5 million Civica contract at Enfield CouncilRead More →
Civica mobilises Coastline
Coastline Housing and its subsidiary, Coastline Services, have introduced mobile working for its housing maintenance team with help from Civica. Coastline and Civica ran a pilot trial of the PDA-based service in August 2009 followed by its organisation-wide deployment in November 2009. Despite having relatively few properties (3700) to manage, they are spread over a…
Civica mobilises CoastlineRead More →
Omniledger gets mobile with Civica
Omniledger is partnering with Civica to provide a mobile working solution for its Pyramid housing management system customers. Rather than developing its own system, Omniledger decided to use an existing, well-established product that already had a mobile module for every discipline. Lee Wagnall, sales manager, OmniLedger, said, “With growing pressure for RSLs to mobilise their…
Omniledger gets mobile with CivicaRead More →
Guinness, Golden Gates & One Vision sign with Civica
Civica has announced that the Guinness Partnership, Golden Gates Housing and One Vision Housing are deploying its Public Protection software. A pilot site at Guinness Northern Counties went live during April 2009 followed by a wider staged roll-out, while One Vision signed contracts with Civica in May 2009. Golden Gates has now been operational for…
Guinness, Golden Gates & One Vision sign with CivicaRead More →