As part of its post-merger transformation programme, Pobl Group commissioned performance specialists Vantage to re-design its assets team’s structure and repairs and maintenance operating model. As a result of the merger, Pobl found itself running two repairs teams spread over a wide area, each with its own IT systems and ways of working. Pobl appointed…
Pobl’s mobile repairs from Vantage & Cloud DialogsRead More →
Cloud Dialogs
MHS Homes’ online services from Cloud Dialogs
MHS Homes has introduce tenant self-service using a new digital platform from Cloud Dialogs. As well as tenants being able to book appointments with their housing officer and arrange repairs, MHS operatives can book additional visits and the software calculates travel times, so only the closest and most suitably skilled person is sent. The service…
MHS Homes’ online services from Cloud DialogsRead More →
EMH connects with Cloud Dialogs
The amalgamation of four housing providers into EMH Group has led to the organisation completely revamping its IT systems, including the implementation of Cloud Dialog’s Service Connect for repairs reporting, scheduling and mobile working. Helen Bradford, group head of ICT, EMH Group, said, “We recognised early on that we needed completely new IT systems to…
EMH connects with Cloud DialogsRead More →
Coastline takes Service Connect from Cloud Dialogs
Coastline Services, the commercial arm of Coastline Housing, has completed the implementation of Cloud Dialogs’ Service Connect to support its repairs, job costing and appointment scheduling operations. Service Connect is designed around giving individual managers and supervisors dashboards that show them anything that needs attention in real time. Coastline said that this has led to…
Coastline takes Service Connect from Cloud DialogsRead More →
Cloud Dialogs gets Network Housing mobile in just six weeks
Since January 2015, neighbourhood officers at Network Housing Group started using tablets to record tenant information, safety and building checks, and estate inspections. This follows the housing provider’s decision to implement an integrated mobile solution from Cloud Dialogs to replace its inefficient paper-based processes and forms. The entire implementation process and mobilisation of Network Housing’s…
Cloud Dialogs gets Network Housing mobile in just six weeksRead More →
Why is there still so much paperwork in housing?
Why, given that paperwork is so expensive and inefficient, budgets and consequently services are being cut, and the technology to address this so clearly exists, are the majority of housing processes still reliant on pen and paper? Before explaining the reasons, I would like to provide a brief ‘tale of the possible’. At this year’s…
Why is there still so much paperwork in housing?Read More →