Housing Technology asked Derek Steele, managing director of Mobysoft, for his perspective on the rent market, how income management teams are ‘getting smart’, the potential impact of welfare reforms and how they can be mitigated. After nine years of working with housing providers to optimise efficiency and improve businesses practices, it’s difficult to hear so…
Predicting and measuring rent arrearsRead More →
Trafford cuts rent arrears with mobysoft
Trafford Housing Trust has reduced rent arrears and improved income recovery staff productivity by 25% following the introduction of business intelligence software from Mobysoft. The new system focuses on distinguishing between technical and genuine rent arrears and in doing so, saves one day per week for each income officer. A technical arrear occurs when a…
Trafford cuts rent arrears with mobysoftRead More →
Beating the Budget
On 22 June 2010, Chancellor George Osborne made his first budget speech to the House of Commons in which he pledged to ‘balance the books’ by 2016, slashing a massive £11 billion from the annual public expenditure bill, with £1.8 billion being earmarked for savings in social housing in this parliamentary term alone. I think…
Beating the BudgetRead More →
Mobysoft trial nets Moat £37,000 of late rent
Moat has just completed an eight-week trial of Mobysoft’s rent arrears module, resulting in the collection of £37,000 of overdue rent. The success of the trial has meant that Moat has signed a longer-term contract with Mobysoft to reduce rent arrears across its 20,000 properties. Mobysoft’s rent arrears module bolts onto housing providers’ existing housing…
Mobysoft trial nets Moat £37,000 of late rentRead More →
Savings at Rochdale with Mobysoft
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing has made annual savings of £200,000 and reduced incidences of ‘no access’ for maintenance and repairs visits by 80 per cent following the introduction of an automated SMS text message reminder service from Mobysoft. Mobysoft’s system automatically texts the tenant a reminder in advance of a maintenance or repair visit, checking their…
Savings at Rochdale with MobysoftRead More →
A2Dominion cuts arrears with Mobysoft SMS
Mobysoft’s MobileLogic text-messaging system is being used by A2Dominion as part of its strategy to reduce problems with rent arrears among residents in its 30,000 properties in London and Southern England. For many housing providers, using first-generation text messaging to solve common problems is nothing new, particularly for outbound reminders to tenants about relatively straightforward…
A2Dominion cuts arrears with Mobysoft SMSRead More →