PIMSS Data System has completed the deployment of iPad Minis running its pimss4tablets software for Places for People’s asset management team to compile stock data while out and about. The adoption of a mobile solution is an attempt by Places for People to reduce the administrative burden and paperwork associated with its stock condition surveys….
Places for People’s stock data on the move with PIMSS Data SystemsRead More →
PIMSS Data Systems
Future perspectives on asset management systems
Housing Technology interviewed a number of housing providers and IT suppliers on the use of asset management systems (AMS), the business and IT issues surrounding their implementation, purchasing criteria, and their integration with other existing ‘core’ business applications. By way of introduction, the National Housing Federation’s recently-published book, ‘Managing the assets – A guide for…
Future perspectives on asset management systemsRead More →
Component accounting partnership from PIMSS & RAM
Real Asset Management and PIMSS Data Systems have joined forces to deliver a SORP-compliant and component-level asset and maintenance management system. RAM and PIMSS hope that their partnership will bridge the different needs of finance departments and asset management teams when dealing with SORP compliance. The deadline for SORP compliance is April 2012, by which…
Component accounting partnership from PIMSS & RAMRead More →
400% faster surveys for Magna with PIMSS
Magna West Somerset has increased its completed surveys by almost 400 per cent following the introduction in 2009 of a handheld asset management system from PIMSS Data Systems. Despite operating in an area with widely-dispersed clusters of properties, Magna’s project surveyor has accelerated his rate of completed surveys from four to 15 per day with…
400% faster surveys for Magna with PIMSSRead More →